Old Chang Kee has been synonymous wi
th Singapore for over 50 years. From a simple coffee shop stall at Rex cinema, to having shops in the UK. Most companies would have buckled under the march of time…but not this one.
Imagine you’re back in 1956, walking near Rex Cinema. Rickshaws are being pulled, Coolies are chatting and relaxing, businessmen are out and about.There were no gadgets, no computers or cars. Simpler times, for all. Then, you smell it. The unmistakable aroma of curry and pastry. Warm and made with care, it calls to your stomach. Turning to its source, you spot the coffee shop under the cinema and get yourself one Rex Curry Puff, the predecessor to today’s Curry Puff.
A Survivor of Time
Walking along Mackenzie Road, one can see that the company still has a store in the same location, albeit selling more on the menu and certainly much grander.
When Founder Mr Han Kee Juan took over the business in 1986, having quit his job as a salesman and heard that the original owner wanted to retire, He had enjoyed the taste of the puffs and even knew the owner personally, even sensing a huge business opportunity in the brand. He then promised himself to transform the humble shop into a successful business.
And now? Ask anyone in Singapore where they could get Curry Puffs, and chances are, you’ll be pointed to one of many outlets under the yellow sign. With over 80+ outlets in Singapore, several other brands such as Oh My Darling! And Curry Times and even overseas locations, Old Chang Kee certainly has come a long way.

The new Old Chang Kee restaurant along Mackenzie Road, where the very first Old Chang Kee stall was located. Image Credit: Old Chang Kee Singapore
Having started out as a simple but delicious shop under Rex Cinema, Old Chang Kee had a long way to go under Mr Han. But it did have a secret weapon. Its signature Hainanese-Style Curry Puffs, affectionately known as “Rex Curry Puffs” back then.
“In their curry puff, you definitely get the full flavor of the filling which enhances the taste, unlike the others, where they only put half filling”, shared Madam Paruwadi, 74. She shared that her friends used to get some for her as she stayed quite a distance away from Rex Cinema.”Their Curry Puffs are my favorite. It’s easy for me to bite, especially since I’m so old.”
“A lot of people try to copy the Old Chang kee Curry Puff but they can’t reach the same taste.” added Marimuthu Govindasamy, 72. “When I was working in the PSA at Keppel and was heading home, I used to pass by Vivocity, where I bought nuggets…fish balls…curry puffs for my family from the outlet there. My children love it.” He then continued that their Curry Puffs aren’t very expensive, just a little over a dollar. It’s quite affordable for everyone.

Marimuthu Govindasamy [left] and Mutan Nagammah [right] are both enjoying freshly baked curry puffs from their local Old Chang Kee while reminiscing the days of their younger years.
As you can see, Old Chang Kee has been here for a while now, becoming a part of Singapore’s cultural heritage and remembered by all. From young to old, everyone has heard of it. Afterall, they cater to the audience every year on National Day, serving up their delicious food to all.

Top: A staff member producing traditional hand-made Rex Curry Puffs.Image Credit: Old Chang Kee
Right: The signature Curry’O of Old Chang Kee.
Old Obstacles
So how did it get to the country-wide, delicious and popular food outlet that we all know and love today? After Mr Han took over, expansion began, with another outlet...followed by another outlet..and then another. Each outlet was consistent in selling the beloved curry puff and more! But turning the coffee shop into a successful business needed a few trials and tribulations.
In early 1995, a decision was made by the upper management to move out of the coffee shops and into the malls, where greater foot traffic would yield more profits. But that was new ground.
“Back then, we didn't know much, we ran it just like how we would run a coffee shop .We just transferred the ‘know how’ to the mall. But it’s a different ball game. Even the look and feel is different. For example, we have to work with the shopping mall management to build an Old Chang Kee in a mall.” Miss Chow adds.” But we learnt a lot, like the safety measures that come in, the infrastructure, and the different MNE requirements.”
And then in 2020, Covid-19 hit. Businesses everywhere were affected. So how did Old Chang Kee make it through, whereas businesses like Robinsons died out? Adapting to the times.

The Old Chang Kee app, released during the Covid-19 pandemic for easier convenience and to boost sales.
Miss Chow continued, “As for COVID-19, there was another kind of challenge, which was the first lockdown that we had in early March 2020. We were informed that the mall had to be closed, and people were advised to work from home.”
“That impacted our business because less people were out on the streets and would eat our food. But, we were lucky that we were in the essential category and could continue our business although with lesser traffic.” The company also supplied several dormitories housing foregin workers from China, Bangladesh and India, which was a struggle in itself, considering the different food preferences and scale of the operation.
Furthermore, she added that, “Because retail was really affected, our non-retail businesses picked up online ordering and online delivery. And we also went on to produce ‘care-packs’.A lot of companies connect their staff through food. Food is always relevant, especially when you connect it with people. So companies also commissioned us to do pack-meals or care pack snacks for their staff at home.”
Relevance and Recognition
With Old Chang Kee, the only Singaporean business to be recognized as one of the world's 20 greatest fast food chains by the US-based Travel & Leisure Magazine in 2017. In order to stay relevant in the market, Mr. Han had to expand and modernize its organizational structure and appeal to a broader spectrum of people.
Introducing different services such as night deliveries, self-service cafes, takeaway kiosks and even catering services for weddings, etc. “We started the cafes to gain more market share as many Singaporeans like to dine out. Our customers can make payments, including Nets transactions, and collect their food on their own.” said Mr Han, when Old Chang Kee faced a number of obstacles such as labor shortages while pushing its efficiency
Old Chang Kee is also one of the first chains to be openly recognized for their strength of matured and silver workers. Bearing in mind Singapore’s aging population, Old Chang Kee still hires matured workers who are praised for their ability to take hardship, professional behavior and for having excellent work ethics.
The business provides their matured workers with flexible working hours to ensure they receive enough rest as well as time for their family. They also look into their health conditions . These accommodation efforts towards the matured workers allows them to work happily with Old Chang Kee.
“We invite our customers and people from all walks of life and ask them how they feel about curry puffs. When we first started, we had no assets except a stall and one product. Now, we have grown that to 24 products and we launch a new item every three months,” said Mr Han, where he introduced a focus group at least once every three years, in which they are able to assemble audiences ranging in ages of 18 to 60 years old, and to learn and determine their consuming preferences and how they could utilize this information to better improve their upcoming menus.
For Years Yet To Come
And yet, in its 66 years of operation, Old Chang Kee still has future visions and accomplishments which are yet to be achieved.
It still has plans to expand and introduce its operations to international shores, with its most recent successful expansion to London. “We are always looking for opportunities to expand, but it depends on whether there are good locations and partners for us to work with.”, shared by Mr Song Yeow Chung, the Chief Financial Officer, in an article from Enterprise Singapore in 2018.
Furthermore, they have also inspired countless F&B establishments across Singapore. “Old Chang Kee has influenced the F&B industry as we specialize in integrating the brand into the daily choice of food for Singaporeans on the streets! We’re trying to become more relevant to consumers who are looking for a quick and affordable meal with assurance of high quality standards!” added Ms Chow.
“Our Singapore pledge, “We the citizens of Singapore, pledge ourselves as one united people. Regardless of race, language or religion” , so to us, the Old Chang Kee curry puff isn’t just about egg, potatoes, chicken, pastry..”Miss Chow added.”it’s also about our belief in our pledge to the country…that we hope to pass onto every curry puff that we produce.”
Ending off this article, she had this to say on the food chain.”Anybody can make curry puffs, but they will never be Old Chang Kee.”

The first Old Chang Kee stall in 1956, with founder Mr Han Kee Juan facing the camera.
Image Credit: SG Magazine