What is M350 Media Practicum: Journalism?
This module is undertaken by third-year Diploma in Mass Communication (Journalism track) students at Republic Polytechnic, Singapore.
This module seeks to produce professionally competent reporters with the skills to deliver compelling news and the desired professional behaviours and conduct the industry thrives on.
It is designed as a specialisation module to better prepare students for the media industry. It aims to give them an opportunity to work in a realistic newsroom environment and on assigned deliverables relevant to journalism.
Students will put into practice the concepts and production methods they have learnt to ensure the smooth and creative running of these media platforms.
Through this module, students will integrate knowledge and skills learned in previous modules, and in the guided learning and simulated work environment of the media practicum, produce quality work and display professional behaviours and attitudes that are expected of an entry-level media journalist / reporter.
Students will develop news and feature stories for the print, online and broadcast platforms, and they will also vet, edit and fact check these news stories before publishing