By: Aishwarya Nicole & Amalia Darwisyah

If you had told Yaashvasin Saravanan back then that his love for fighting would be the cornerstone that helped transform his life, he might have just laughed in disbelief. I mean, who would've thought, right? After all, his wild passion for fights often got him in hot water.
Yaashvasin, better known as Yaash, now 20, found his redemption and a new purpose in life through the art of Muay Thai at Gifted Fight Academy. He is a testament to how unpredictable life is and how you can be the driving force behind your own change in the heart of a formidable community where dreams are often met with despair.
He explained that he had a rough childhood growing up and had many battles and struggles he had to fight through. He was a cheeky troublemaker who frequently resorted to street fighting to navigate his troubles. To add into the chaos, he gravitated toward a troublesome social circle and became embroiled in a multitude of illicit activities. However, his actions eventually caught up with him when, at the tender age of 15, where he was apprehended and subsequently sentenced.
“I was sentenced to a month at Singapore Boys Home, which was then followed by a year of hostel and home probation respectively. It was a tough point in my life, especially being so young, but I managed to persevere through the tough period," said Yaash.
His Turning Point
At the tender age of 16, Yaash journeyed into the world of Muay Thai. He did so through a mutual friend, which was also how he met Mr. Sham, his coach. They shared similar struggles and backstories. Though the sport showed promise, 16-year-old Yaash was hesitant to fully commit at the time and ultimately didn’t pursue it further.
It wasn’t until after his time serving his final sentencing of home probation did he decide to take a second chance at Muay Thai. However, this time, Yaash took a different approach. At 18 years old, he was no longer afraid of committing and instead took the sport seriously. So in 2021, Yaash joined Mr Sham’s gym, Gifted Fight Academy. He took a chance to pursue the sport, and it was the beginning of a huge turning point in his life.
Yaash was very dead set on making a change this time, and he hustled his way to the top. Not long after, he was finally ready to take part in his Muay Thai fights. With sheer grit and a whole lot of sweat, Yaash 'clinched' his way to victory most of the time! (pun intended) Yaash's achievements often left Coach Sham bursting with pride, prompting him to share his admiration on his personal Instagram page.

This chapter in Yaash’s life stands as a testament to the power of perseverance, determination, and the indomitable human spirit. Through the medium of Muay Thai, Yaash found his calling, a path that would ultimately lead him to the pinnacle of his potential. Muay Thai played a pivotal role in aiding Yaash’s change as it established a structure in his life.
Catalyst For Change
The catalyst for this change, Coach Sham, wasn't your typical coach. His own transformation from a life of crime to one of discipline and atonement served as evidence of the effectiveness of second chances and marked as an inspiration for Yaash. He devoted his entire essence to establishing Gifted Fight Academy, a place where disturbed adolescents may follow the same path of newness, discipline, and growth.

Gifted Fight Academy came into existence through the collaborative efforts of Coach Alvin Sham, a 28-year-old Muay Thai enthusiast, and Ms. Sarah Shaheeda, a 42-year-old pre-school principal. Their journey began in 2017 when Mr. Sham, serving as her Muay Thai trainer at BMT, left a deep impression on Ms. Shaheeda with his unwavering dedication and fervor for Muay Thai. Fast forward to 2021, and the two of them decided to transform their shared business vision into reality, giving birth to Gifted Fight Academy.
Paying It Forward
Yaash, now 20, not only rocks the Muay Thai scene but he's also passing on his mad skills to others. He's all about using martial arts for good, and his friendly, caring, and patient vibe is like a magnet for new students. They are often beyond thrilled to learn from him.
Anusha Jaya Anand, 19, a dedicated student at Gifted Fight Academy for over a year, shared her heartfelt sentiment: “Coach Yaash was one of the main coaches that really made me feel welcome when I first joined GFA. His patient and welcoming attitude made me really respect him as a coach and made my love for Muay Thai grow even more.
Narumatha Nurasha Rajan, 20, who is another student at Gifted Fight Academy, wholeheartedly endorses this sentiment: 'When I first started at GFA, I was struggling a lot. I had a lot of doubts, and I was unfamiliar with the setting, but Coach Yaash made me feel so welcomed and part of the GFA family. He was engaging, lively, and patient. I always enjoyed training with him, and it slowly helped me become a more confident person.”
Mr. Sham mentioned that Yaash has not only stayed on since the start, but he sees Yaash as a person who is growing and striving to be a better man every day. In the heart of it all, Mr. Sham’s guidance wasn’t confined to the ring. It was a beacon of hope, a steady hand that believed in Yaash’s potential for growth. In those pivotal moments, it was Mr. Sham who saw beyond the troubled exterior and put faith in Yaash’s growth. Yaash carries this forward when training his own students.

Community Engagement
“We try to work with outside vendors, from organising corporate events to SPF and SCDF. We’ve engaged to do events for universities and preschools, and we try to get more involved with the community when we have the time and ability to do so,” said Ms. Sarah Shaeedah.
Gifted Fight Academy emphasises a lot on the academy's diverse approach to community involvement. In addition to coordinating business events and maintaining active partnerships with the Singapore Police Force (SPF) and the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF), they have created opportunities for a variety of encounters and events by even expanding their services to pre-schools and universities.
The academy’s focus on making participants feel like family was what aided Yaash’s change, and it is also what helps the academy stay rock-solid in its values. Yaash often takes part in the workshops as one of the trainers. He does this in hopes of expanding the Muay Thai community and sharing his fiery passion with everyone.
All in all, what truly sets Gifted Fight Academy apart is its emphasis on fostering a sense of family and unity among its participants. This family-oriented environment has been instrumental in facilitating students like Yaash's personal transformation and continues to be the driving force behind the academy's remarkable growth.
Found Family: The importance of connection and support
Yaash’s journey is a testament to the silent struggles of youths, who often feel out of place and need to find an outlet. For Yaash, it was in Muay Thai and Gifted Fight Academy. Mr. Sham and Yaash not only found a way to turn their lives around, but they also used their skills to help others turn theirs around as well—like a domino effect.

Most recently, on October 28, 2023, Yaash participated in yet another Muay Thai match at the KBX 57. Not only did he secure a victory in the ring, but he also captured the hearts of many. The Gifted Fight Academy family rallied around him, demonstrating unwavering support and solidarity as they cheered for his success.
The Gifted Fight Academy's coming together displayed support and camaraderie. This showcases that they're not just a team but a tightly-knit family, cheering for each other's triumph.
Today, as Yaash mentors his own students, he carries forward his mentorship magic and values that were passed down by Mr Sham and his second family at Gifted Fight Academy. They played a game-changing role in his growth. Every lesson taught, every skill honed, is imbued with the spirit of family. It’s a ripple effect that transcends the gym, almost like an unending camaraderie that extends beyond the walls of Gifted, constantly reminding him of the importance of strength and unity.
Sometimes, encouragement goes a long way
Through Muay Thai and the nurturing environment of Gifted Fight Academy, Yaash’s journey and the lives he now touches are an inspiration for the profound impact of belief, guidance, and the power of extending support to others when they’re making an effort.
In today's fast-paced and often challenging world, the story of Yaash demonstrates how Mr Sham’s act of mentoring and believing in him by extending a helping hand during his crucial formative years can alter his life's trajectory forever.
By dishing out this tale, we're all about highlighting how crucial it is to give our youth a boost of guidance, faith, and a solid support system. That's the secret sauce for helping them bounce back when life throws curveballs and push through tough times with their heads held high. Our ultimate goal? It is to simply fire up the next generation, fuel their dreams, and kickstart their journey towards making the world a better place.
After all, when life gives you lemons... well, you know the rest!
Hi Amalia & Aishwarya, I found your article very inspirational.
I loved that you managed to find such a valuable newsmaker and focused mainly on Yaash. I also liked how from Yaash, you managed to slowly change the flow to talking about Yaash's coach. I found the transition very smooth and logical, it gave me more background info on Yaash.
Another thing I liked was the ending haha. It was humorous yet it also matched the point of your article very well. One thing I might add would maybe be quotes from Yaash himself? I think that would be interesting. But overall, you guys did very well!
Wow, this story is not only inspirational but also a reminder of the positive changes that can occur when people believe in themselves and receive the support they deserve. It is a truly heartwarming piece that showcases Yaash's resilience and his transformative journey from a troubled teen to a dedicated muay thai mentor/fighter. I feel that the both of you conveyed the powerful message of the importance of a strong support system and dedication to improving one's life well. It gives readers who face similar obstacles and challenges hope that they will be able to transform their lives just like Yaash and Coash Sham. Good job, guys!